Business Sweden is owned in equal shares by the state of Sweden and the Swedish business sector. The state is represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Utrikesdepartementet, UD) and the business sector by the Swedish Foreign Trade Association (Sveriges Allmänna Utrikeshandelsförening, SAU). We consult the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on all relevant issues, including those that concern foreign administration and Sweden’s official presence abroad.
Business Sweden is a legal entity registered with Statistics Sweden (SCB) as the Swedish Export and Investment Council, based in Stockholm under organisation number 262000-1194. As a registered company, Business Sweden publishes an annual report and a sustainability report every year.
The Board of Directors has a minimum of eight members. Half of these are appointed by the government and half by the SAU.
Business Sweden follows Swedish law and its constitution, as well as parts of the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code).
![ORGANISATIONSSCHEMA eng.png](/imagevault/publishedmedia/87206kuu1j3ofuvp2wdm/ORGANISATIONSSCHEMA_eng.png)
Business Sweden’s highest decision-making body consists of up to four members, appointed by each of the owners (the Swedish state and the SAU). The members manage the owners’ involvement in the company.
The Annual General Meeting takes place within six months after the end of the financial year to present the annual report and the auditor's report, approve the income statement and balance sheet, allocate profit or loss, grant liability discharges of directors and the CEO, elect auditors and deputies, and establish fees to board members, auditors and deputy auditors. The Annual General Meeting also decides the level and use of the organisation’s equity and approves any changes in Business Sweden's statutes.
At the end of 2019, Business Sweden's management team consisted of eight persons, i.e the CEO, vice presidents and head of areas of operations and support functions.
Read more about the management team
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body during the period between the Annual General Meetings. The board manages Business Sweden's affairs in the interest of Business Sweden and the owners.